How to take the 1st Step?

All tasks have the 1st step but we do not think about it when we view it as a simple task or something routine that we are familiar with.

We all know the toughest thing is to take the 1st Step and it is a BIG STEP to do something new to us. The more we hesitate, the more we find it difficult to start.

So, how to make the 1st Step?

1. Positive Thinking
Very often, how we perceive things determine what we will do and how well we do it. For example, if you are assigned with a project that is normally done by your boss, do you feel excited ("I finally have a chance to show my ability!") or angry that you have to do your boss work ("It is not my job!"; "it is surely a tedious project that my boss does not want to do!")?

If you think positively and take what it comes as a opportunity, you will feel the urge to start the project and do it well. Who knows, you may get promoted. Go grab the opportunity when it comes!

2. Self Confidence
Once you decided that you should be doing something (eg change job or start your own business), you have to tell yourself that "YOU MUST DO IT!" to get started. Sure, we have all our fears but the best way to overcome them is to face the fears!

List down all the fears you have and tackle them one by one. Seek all the help you need by talking to experts, self help reading and even pray (if you have a religion). Prepare yourself mentally and get started!

3. Set a Timeline
Now that you are all geared up with positive thinking and self confidence to do a project (be it for office or personal), set a timeline to start and complete. The project can be broken down to smaller tasks with individual timeline. Each task has a start and complete date.

Think through the project and list down all the tasks (with respective deadlines). Ticked off as you complete each task - that will give you self satisfacton of achievement and motivation to start the next task,

4. Self Discipline
Nothing will be achieved if there is no action to carry out the thoughts and plans. There will be a lot of distractions that appeared to be more appealing than starting your project. Keep track of deadline and  practise self discipline.

Think of the compelling reason(s) that you must do the project to drive yourself. Give priority to the project, don't say "I have no time" or "I will do later".

5. Be Brave
We are in the real world with imperfect things and uncertainties. We have to be brave and realistic to adjust our plans in accordance to circumstances. We will not know when is the perfect time... Just do it!

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