Take a Deep Breath!

What do you do when you feel angry?  If you are someone who can maintain your cool, congratulations to you! Most will react by shouting, some by smashing things and the violent ones might resort to fighting or hurting others.  All these reactions might release some of the pend up anger but it often contributes more harm to yourself and others.

Think about it, is it worthwhile to let your anger control you such that you do or say things that you will regret later?  If a crime is committed out of anger, isn't the price too high to pay?

If you are quick temper and vent out your anger easily, make an effort to take control of it.  Before your anger emotions overcome you, take a deep breath and count to 5! Try it out - don't underestimate this simple act to cool down.  Always remind yourself to cool down when you begin to feel angry, don't let the emotions overcome you.

The feeling of anger can be suppresed if you practise positive thinking and consider the following as your way of life:

1. Give and Take.  You don't have to be in control of everything, accept what you cannot control.

2. Agree to disagree. The results may not be what you had expected but it could be a blessing in disguise. Try to understand the view of the other party and see things from different prospectives.

3. Forgive and Forget. Let go the hurt and move on with life. What is done cannot be undone, why waste energy feeling angry?

Take a Deep Breath and have some fresh air! 

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