Let Go and Move On...

Do you have this experience that you trusted someone, confide in this person and found out later that this same person betrayed you? He/she appeared to be your friend but had been stabbing you behind your back!

You felt hurt and your self esteem is blown away - you felt like a fool to have trusted this person. What do you do next?
Let go and move on...
1. Stop the Self Blame!
No matter how close we are to a person, we cannot be 100% sure of his/her true intention for the simple reason we are not that person. We cannot read another person's mind - we make our own judgement based on our own perceptions. We sometimes cannot explain why we do things that we regret later thus do not self blame if our judgment of another person is wrong.

2. Protect Yourself
Be prepared that a secret that is shared will not be a secret one day. If you want it to be a top secret, keep it  to yourself! However, it will be too stressful to keep everything to yourself.  You may need a listening ear or others to help solve your problem.  Learn to maintain a balance by sharing information on a need be basis with care.

3. Think Positive
Congratulate yourself that you discovered early about the betrayer. Very often, we do not even know who is hurting us for a long time. View it as a valuable lesson learnt as you will be more careful the next time when sharing information.

4. Forgive
What is done cannot be undone, we just have to accept it.  Instead of holding on the anger that linked to the person who had hurt you, learn to forgive to set yourself free. You can be happy only if you let go of anger. Forgive and move on with your life..

“Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions.” Gerald Jampolsky

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