Are You Happy?

Happiness is up to you to define ....

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.  Each of us has our own unique feeling and definition of what makes us happy - be it being a millionaire, own the first car , start a family, early retirement etc.

Whatever is your goal in life, are you feeling depressed when you are uncertain about your future? Have you wondered why some people seems to be happy everyday despite that they are far from reaching their goals. They are "already there" when it comes to Happiness.  

How to be Happy :

1. Redefine Happiness.  You have set your goals in life and think you will be happy only when you had achieved it. Why not think about the happiness you have accumulated while striving for your goals? Enjoy the little success or progress you had made along the way which means you are nearer to your ultimate goal!

2. Like Yourself.  Everyone is different with his/her own strength and weakness. Have confidence in yourself, do not compare to others or feel inferior.  If someone is better than you, there is someone else who is worst than you. Build on your strengths and improve on your weakness.

3. Be Yourself.  You can choose how you want to live your life (within the legal laws, of course).  Listen to constructive feedback but bear in mind it is almost impossible to make everyone happy for whatever you do.  Do not take to heart what others have to say about you if it is only a difference in opinion.

4. Overcome Your Fear.  Are you afraid of how people will judge you? Do you have a lot of worries before you do something? Do not spend time worrying and feeling miserable - things may not be that bad as what you had thought. Go ahead and do what matters to you most!  When you have a passion, you will be able to overcome problems.

5. Be Positive.  Your attitude in life determines your level of happiness.  People with positive attitude see problems as opportunities and failures as valuable lessons for future success.

6. Go Back to Basics.  Ensure you satisfy your basic needs before you reach for higher needs. Build on the basics like financial means to support yourself, maintain close relationship with family members and/or friends. When you are thankful for what you already have, you are making a step into Happiness...

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present"~ Jim Rohn 

If you ask me - Happiness is in your hands throughout your life journey. It is for you to hold it - Smile & Be Happy!
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