Are You Ready to be Who You Are?

In a group discussion, would you voice out when you have different opinion as the majority?  Would you choose to remain silent because you think your opinion will not count? Do you feel you are not confident enough to say something different or worry of being judged by others?

You really wish to to say "No" but how many times you had said "Yes" just to please someone? Do you behave in the way your family, bosses, colleagues or friends expect you to be, just to gain acceptance?  Then when they reject you, are you hurt deeply because you had lost your own identity while trying to please them and yet get rejected?

For every decision that we made, there are 2 sides (good and bad) thus there are consequences that we have to take responsibility. It takes a lot of courage to be what you really want to be, especially if you choose to be different from the "norm".  Ask yourself do you feel so strongly to be yourself and prepared to face the consequences for the choice you made? Are you happy with the your way of life?

Are you READY to be WHO YOU ARE, not What Others Expect You To Be?

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