Peace of Mind

It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. 

~ Epictetus

Had you encounter incidents that made you so worked up that you let your emotions control over you such as screaming and shouting? You probably regret the silly things that you had done in the moment of anger or felt embarrassed later on.

When you are in a challenging environment (be it is school, office or even at home), how do you remain clam and have inner peace of mind?

It is all in your mind and it is how you react to the incidents that matters.  Remember, what had happened cannot be undone so there is no point dwelling over it.  If things went wrong, the important next step is to remedy or improve the situation.  You need to be clam in order to think carefully about the next step.

Positive thoughts that facilitate Peace of Mind :
  1. Accept the Facts.  Life is not perfect thus we have to accept things that are beyond our control. Learn to accept the facts even it is not desirable or not the ideal outcome that you wanted.
  2. Everything Happened for a Reason.  Be open to the outcome and think about the positive part of the outcome.  For example, a person losing his job may be an opportunity for him to explore new interest and aspirations that he had overlooked previously.
  3. Forgive. Try to give the benefit of doubt to others and forgive innocent mistakes.  When you forgive, you remove the burden that anger had put on you, allowing you to set yourself free to move on.
  4. Appreciate Others. When you learn to appreciate the little things that others had done for you (which we often had taken for granted), it is easier to achieve peace with others and be less critical of others. When we are less critical of others, we have peace with ourselves.
  5. Simplicity is Beautiful. Be contented and grateful for what you have today even as you strive for better tomorrow.  Be with yourself to do things that you enjoy.  You can also mediate to clear your mind of negative thoughts.

Practice above thoughts as part of your life and you are on your way to find Peace of Mind and Happiness...

Do share your comments on how you achieve your Peace of Mind.

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